Darren Horst![]() Darren Horst
Darren's juggling career began at a young age. When he was trying to learn how to ride a bike, something went wrong and before he knew it the bike was perfectly balanced on his chin. The rest is history. He now pumps concrete, and although I haven't seen it yet, I hear we will soon see a concrete juggling routine of some kind. He is also husband to Kristen and father to Cameron. If he had any free time, he would enjoy snowboarding as seen here. Some of this information may not be accurate, but since Darren is apparently too busy to write his own biography it will have to do.
Kevin McCulley![]() Kevin McCulley
Kevin is a juggler who likes to think of himself as a dancer or maybe even an artist if he is feeling pretentious. Although he is unable to keep is tongue in his mouth while juggling, he is always looking for new juggling ideas. Most of them are attempts to make it more like his old college radio show "The Story of Love and Hate." Fortunately most of these ideas get vetoed. He is currently a boxer, husband to Laura, and father to Everett, Lindsey, and Oliver. Note, by boxer he means he makes cardboard boxes for a living. He is not good at jokes, but he stole that one from Amelia Bedelia
Interview with Darren & Kevin - from HMS Handprints 2009
How did you get involved with juggling?
Darren: I saw my uncle juggling and I thought it was cool, so I decided to teach myself how to do it.
Kevin: And in seventh grade, Darren asked me if I wanted to juggle with him at a church talent show.
D: I think we had been fooling around with juggling during lunch and stuff. We also juggled at the auction that year.
What is the name of your show, how often do you perform and to whom?
D: We’re the DKers. I’m Darren
K: I’m Kevin
Together: e-r-s.
K: That has been our name for a long time, but we have recently been considering changing it to the Prodigal Fun. I don’t know if we will ever make the change.
D: The amount of shows we do varies. This year we have done around 5 shows. They are mostly for church picnics, but we have done banquets and talent shows as well.
What are some of your favorite acts?
D: I like passing clubs best. It is really cool how they are all spinning, but when you catch it by the handle it just feels right and works perfectly.
K: I really like our themes show. Darren would say that it is designed for younger kids, but I think it is really more designed for me. I think juggling can easily be turned into a string of corny jokes, but I think our kids show is really clever.
What is your most challenging act?
D: I still think the thing we struggle with most is passing balls. Which can be frustrating since it is the thing we have been doing for the longest, but we keep adding harder tricks.
K: Our Frisbee routine is also pretty tough.
How did attending HMS impact your life?
D: I made a lot of great friendships that have lasted.
K: I would agree with that. Also, I think the teachers here really made an impact. When I first started thinking about becoming a teacher, Mr. Horning was the first teacher I thought of for my observations.
Darren: I saw my uncle juggling and I thought it was cool, so I decided to teach myself how to do it.
Kevin: And in seventh grade, Darren asked me if I wanted to juggle with him at a church talent show.
D: I think we had been fooling around with juggling during lunch and stuff. We also juggled at the auction that year.
What is the name of your show, how often do you perform and to whom?
D: We’re the DKers. I’m Darren
K: I’m Kevin
Together: e-r-s.
K: That has been our name for a long time, but we have recently been considering changing it to the Prodigal Fun. I don’t know if we will ever make the change.
D: The amount of shows we do varies. This year we have done around 5 shows. They are mostly for church picnics, but we have done banquets and talent shows as well.
What are some of your favorite acts?
D: I like passing clubs best. It is really cool how they are all spinning, but when you catch it by the handle it just feels right and works perfectly.
K: I really like our themes show. Darren would say that it is designed for younger kids, but I think it is really more designed for me. I think juggling can easily be turned into a string of corny jokes, but I think our kids show is really clever.
What is your most challenging act?
D: I still think the thing we struggle with most is passing balls. Which can be frustrating since it is the thing we have been doing for the longest, but we keep adding harder tricks.
K: Our Frisbee routine is also pretty tough.
How did attending HMS impact your life?
D: I made a lot of great friendships that have lasted.
K: I would agree with that. Also, I think the teachers here really made an impact. When I first started thinking about becoming a teacher, Mr. Horning was the first teacher I thought of for my observations.