Well, I missed putting up a blog post for December, and January is already over half way finished, so I figured I needed to post something. I feel like I've gotten off to a slow start to the year juggling wise. I have lots of little goals, but haven't made the time to do much. Most of my goals involve making/altering props. Also this year I am going to try and learn a Trick of the Month and post a video of of it on here. Progress on January's trick is limited, but hopefully I have something to post in two weeks. I always like to have something interesting to show off in these posts, so I figured I would show our new brochures. After our photo shoot from Brooke Courtney Photography, we ended up with a lot of great pictures, so we wanted to do something with them. I designed this brochure and modified it numurous times to meet D's high standards. Now all I need to do is find a place to print them up. Contact me if you know of a good place to get brochures printed.
Kevin McCulleyThe K in the DKers Archives
January 2025