Greetings once again, This year felt like kind of a return to the status quo. I mean that as both a positive and a negative. I worry that I might get sad and introspective with this years Christmas letter, but that's ok since it is mostly for future me to read. This year we didn't work on a lot of new stuff, but we performed 24 shows. Of the 24, four of them were bad, which means 20 times everything worked well, but I am not going to talk much about those shows. When I have a really good show, people don't come up and say, "Wow, that was impressive" or "what grace and athleticism", or even, "how clever." When I am at my best they say, "Wow, it looked like you were having fun." My main skill is supposed to be that when the music comes on and the balls go up, that's all that matters, but four times this year the balls went up and I stayed down. I am not even sure what I was worried about for those shows, other than my new worry about worrying during shows. Also, I know this isn't just in my head, because after each one of these shows my wife comes up to me and asks if everything is ok. I kind of think this is what I will think of as the 2021 thing; the year I started worrying about shows.
Now that all of that is out of the way, I will bring up the new things we worked on this year. I worked on a new logo, and Darren worked on new costumes. We both made some progress, so maybe these things will happen next year. I liked my first logo attempt, but no one else (except This Way Up) did. I have put my rejected logo attempt as the picture for this year. I think my second logo is turning out better, but Darren has given me some revisions to make. He basically has to wait for me to finish his costume work. Once again we did D vs K online. I really thought it was going to be bigger this year, but we got pretty much the same amount of people watching as we do with all of our stuff. I won't do a full recap since you can just watch it here. Darren won, so he gets to decide the rounds for next year. His only definite round so far is routines from our regular jobs. We did do one legitimately new thing this year. We did a show of Sunday School songs for a Sunday school class and it worked really well. I even got to play my ukulele. It is possible that I might keep using the ukulele for our Foundation routine and base the routine on the song "The Wise Man Built His House upon the Rock" instead of the parable going forward. Speaking of ukulele, I am 80% of the way done a demo version of "The Jugglers Have a Song," so hopefully by next year we will really know what we are doing with a possible juggling ukulele routine. Also this upcoming spring, we are planning to go back and try to finish the Easter routine we started two years ago. Finally the last sentence. My wife and I had our third child Oliver Mason, and Darren's family is healthy and doing well.
mark mcculley
12/31/2021 07:13:11 pm
There are two sorts of people---the sort of people who say there are two sorts of people and the sort of people who don't say that.
12/22/2022 02:41:08 pm
James ward
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Kevin McCulleyThe K in the DKers Archives
January 2025